Jess Cooney Interior Designer

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Remember our epic guide to white paint? We figured it was time to ask designers about their blue crushes as well—you know, those just right shades of cornflower, ocean, cerulean, navy, and everything in between. Blue typically isn't a polarizing color. Most people gravitate towards the spa-like, tranquil quality of its lighter shades, while others love the darker side—the energy of aqua, the intensity of midnight. Sure, you could go about picking a blue paint color alone. But why not make selecting a shade easier by starting with this list of designer-approved blues? You'll be that much ahead of the game and ready to tackle swatching sooner. So without further adieu, here are nine designers' (and one builder's!) favorite blues. Oh, and they basically all called out Hale Navy from Benjamin Moore, so give that shade a look if you want to go dark and moody. But I wanted fresh, under-the-radar hues, so here are 10 new blues for you to obsess over.